About Blog
The idea of creating this blog is to share the my experience and learning path that i have achived in my entire journey in ASP.NET development career. I always heading to learn something new and my belief is there should be something new to know.
My goal is to share any useful information I find, in the hope that it will be helpful for someone else.
please do send a comment, or drop me a message - it'll be greatly received!
About Me
I'm a Full-Stack Consultant Developer from Pakistan. I have serious passion for web Developement, Web API and creating intuitive and dynamic applications and dynamic user experiences. I’ve mostly worked professionally with C#,JavaScript, Jquery, ASP.NET, MVC Framework,.NET core,.Net 5 and Web Api,Angular Js and Angular 11.
I've worked at both small startups and large organizations. While I'm a proficient full-stack developer, my expertise is in building scalable Web applications and backend services (API services, backend mentinance, and async mechanisms). I love building new things. While hard engineering problems are often intrinsically fun to tackle, I'm most attracted to solving real customer problems with a business justification by using my skills.
Previous Key Roles
- Working as Senior Web developer
- Worked on Enhancement of existing applications build on .NET
- PDF file reporting and including Crystal Reporting
- Worked on different Stacks like C#, .NET MVC Core, javaScript, Angular 11,Signal R, Redis, Angular JS, JQuery, Boostrap
- To Use above stack's to make responsive web applications
- Deployment and hosting of web applications